Art Photography / Photo Series

Click here to order this photo / Photo number : APS116


Everything starts from the black shadow of poverty that comes and stays at home without permission.

In order to drive away this uninvited guest, they do not hear an answer to every door they knock on, and every door they look into, it becomes a hard and cold wall.

The vermin of poverty chews everything. Even an empty table.

The body needs and needs bread, it kindles a fire that cannot be extinguished by sighs and tears.

 It takes a lot of determination and helplessness to kill this fire.

Many things will be sacrificed.

One reaches out to others in need, and the other reaches out to what is not his.

One steals the fire across the border and the other carries the cold and brings it to this side of the border.

Sometimes in order to survive, you auction off a piece of your body and or risk your existence on a journey of no return, and sometimes you look for a piece of bread in the garbage to fill your stomach.

A child loses his happiness in the street, a chaste woman loses her skirt, and a young mother…

In the meantime, what binds all this other and that other together is a pain:

“the pain of bread”

 The pain of bread is the pain of being alive and surviving, which the fate of the times sometimes shows only an unwanted way to relieve it.

Dark path without light…