Documentary Photography / Photo Series

   Click here to order this photo series / Photo number: DP200

Varzaneh is a historical city in the desert region of East Isfahan, 30 km from Gavkhoni Lagoon.
Wearing a white chador is a lasting tradition among the women and girls of Varzaneh, who have chosen it as their social cover for many years. Varzaneh is the only Iranian city whose women have traditionally worn white chadors for this reason, which is why this region is also called the city of white-clad angels
Extensive cotton cultivation and canvas weaving in this desert region, as well as the use of white fabrics to absorb minimal heat, are reasons for the traditional clothing worn by women in this region
Although in today’s modern world less society has remained faithful to the cover of their parents, but still most women in the city of Varzaneh still inherit this white and beautiful cover and have preserved it as a dear and valuable treasure.
The location of the city of Varzaneh near the Gavkhoni International Wetland, which has been in danger of extinction and drought for many years, has caused the women of this land to symbolically gather in this wetland every year on World Wetlands Day and show their support for permanent revitalization. This wetland is announced